How to Grow Sales Quickly.
Sales and Lead Generation need to be at the forefront of almost all businesses looking to grow and move forward.
To have sustained and rapid growth there needs to be plans, time and budget set aside to make sure it happens properly. One of the key warnings is that often rapid sales growth doesn't always lead to a more profitable business, just one with a higher turnover.
There are many training courses and online resources which go into great detail on this subject, but here are some simple tips developed froma business with over 25 years of expereince in helping companies to grow.
- Go for the Easy Wins First
- Create your Marketing Material Beforehand
- Have a Plan to see What Works
- Google Pay Per Click
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Campaigns
- Telemarketing
Contact your existing customers to sell more to them, you already have a relationship, you know them - see if you can up each order. Also contact any historical customers you're happy to work with. Take out the problem ones and non-payers, but find out why they aren't using you. Sometimes a simple call or email will spark back up the orders.
Put some time into develop your marketing material, whether this is email, social content or a new webpage - when you reach out to new customers do it with up to date marketing and not things that have been created on the fly.
A little bit of preparation to decide how much time and budget you're going to allocate to each option, and be realistic with both the time and the amount of money. Results can be fast but you'll need time to deal with enquiries and convert leads into sales. Too low a budget and the results won't happen quickly.
Pay per click adverts can get you up and running really quickly, but it also takes some planning and research on the search terms and price bids to make sure you aren't wasting budget. Start small, learn what works and then increase the spend in those areas.
Marketing through email can have some really quick results if it's done properly. A clear, well designed email sent to relevant people should create interest really quickly. Make sure you aren't buying cheap lists and mass mailing, keep the list focussed and targeted. always have unsubscribe options and make sure you don't resend to those who have unsubsubscribed.
Social media is a great way to get your sales messages out quickly and to a very targeted audience. Make sure you have good content and simple messages which can be easily understood and keep up the posting regularly. Many companies will do a mad burst of posts and activities and then drop off to nothing. It's better to post a couple of times a week consistently rather than infrequent bursts.
Telemarketing is still a great way to win sales. Talking to prospective customers, finding outwhat they buy, what they need and promoting your products and services on the phone can have fast returns and a great return on the time invested.
If you are looking for any kind of support with your business sales generation, we'd love to help and offer a free consultancy and advice session to see how we can help.
How to Increase Sales Quickly.
Fast sales growth can be acheived by all companies who have the drive and desire to do it.
It will take some planning and requires hard work, but the efforts are often well worth it.
Be careful not to try to grow too fast, as fast growth can burn through cash very quickly and leave the company short of money. Also be sure that each spend on advertising is being monitored against the income it generates.
Committed To Providing
- Lead Generation Campaigns
- Focussed on targeting relevant businesses
- Having a Great Return on Investment
If you would like to discus your sales growth plans we're happy to talk and see how we can help.